Excellent tensile strength and transparency, it is the best quality & high performance product
with light conversion agent to promote the photosynthesis activity of the plants.
Product features
Excellent transparency and insulation with light conversion
agent allows early harvest and better cultivation.
Excellent anti-drip effect and Enhanced cold resistance.
Optimized for early ripening and better harvesting.
Test items | Test Method | Units | Values | Properties |
Light transmission in PAR | ASTM D 1003 | % | 89 | |
Diffused light transmission in PAR | % | 16 | ||
Light transmission in IR | % | 35 | ||
Anti drip | Place in accordance to instruction | Yes | ||
Anti mist | Place in accordance to instruction | Yes |
TAJO® Premium Gold VS Other ordinary film
“ Heat retainablity in night and crop growth were excellent ”
Premium Gold
6.2 (℃) Measured time at AM 08:00
Harvest, Growth
Better harvest and growth speed of plants can be observed
Other standard film
2.2 (℃) Measured time at AM 08:08
Harvest, Growth
High performance greenhouse film with high transparency & thermal
agents helps early harvest.
Product features
High performance greenhouse film with high
transparency & thermal agents helps early harvest.
Anti-drip and Anti-fog effects are added.
High performance film with minimum sticky at high temperature.
Product features
Special polymer additives minimize the film
stick each other at high temperaturel
when ventilated window is open and closed.
Designed to maximize the effects of Anti-drip & Anti-fog.
Recommended use
Horticultural complex,
group farm where
are required to use
standard performance
greenhouse film.
For farms where
water dropping is
stress due to stuck
greenhouse film.
For farms where
the ventilated window
film and house film
are stuck and torn.
Product technology
Prevents from film stick to film at high temperature when roll are unwound at inner layer greenhouse.
Film sticking is possible to be happened at the severe condition.
We recommend using as inner layer greenhouse film. Do not use any PO film for out layer together with TAJO® AJOTA
as inner layer, film sticking could be happened.
It is also good to use as out layer greenhouse film which requires heat retainablity.
High durability against extreme cold and hot climate.
Product features
Special additive are added to mid layer of film to optimize
heat retainablity, energy saving and fast growth of plants.
Excellent strength and crystal high transparency is presented.
It is durable against extreme cold and hot climate.
Superior additives enhance better anti-drip and optical properties.
BOOSTER FILM is an agricultural film developed through joint research for three years starting
in 2020 by R&D department at TAJO brand company, a with 50 years of tradition,
and researchers at Seoul National University's College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.
Product features
By reducing unnecessary light for crop growth and increasing red light,
which is helpful for crop photosynthesis, by 20%, crop growth and yield are increased.
Optical conversion efficiency graph
Optical conversion LED film light
Farmhouse Validation Evaluation
Keit (Korea Planning & Evaluation of Industrial Technology )-supported by Seoul National University and
Taekwang NewTech, we were able to confirm a high level of crop growth and increased harvest
through farm demonstrations of various crops conducted over the past three years.
Analysis of Growth Promotion Effects (Mid-December)
Suit for out layer greenhouse film with high transparency.
Product features
Good Anti-drip effect and transparency allow more
sunlight to inside of greenhouse and suitable for the
plants requiring more sunlight.
Excellent tensile & tearing strength and cold resistance are suitable for overwintering.
High performance film with high transparency, cold resistance and heat resistance by adding EVA.
Product features
Excellent light transmittance provide a good condition for the crops requiring enough light during winter time.
Excellent tensile & tearing strength and cold resistance are suitable for overwintering.
High performance film with Superior heat retainablity.
Product features
Allows more sunlight to reduce energy bill cost and suit for early harvesting.
Better heat retainablity during night time avoids from cold damage to the plants.
One of the major products loved for longest period of time.
Product features
Excellent durability and strength with 3 layer construction
and optimized blend of additives compared to other
standard films.
Good weatherability allows the life of film over
4seasons (Thickness over 0.06mm).
Better Anti-drip effect and high transparency provide early
harvest and efficient crop yield.
Test items | Test Method | Units | Values | Properties |
Light transmission in PAR | ASTM D 1003 | % | 86 | |
Diffused light transmission in PAR | % | 20 | ||
Light transmission in IR | % | 45 | ||
Anti drip | Place in accordance to instruction | Yes | ||
Anti mist | Place in accordance to instruction | Yes |
Excellent strength against strong wind, weatherability and photo-oxidation are improved.
Product features
Good Anti-drip effect and transparency allow more
sunlight to inside of greenhouse and suitable for the
plants requiring more sunlight.
Excellent tensile & tearing strength and cold resistance are suitable for overwintering.
TAJO ULTRA (PO FILM with excellent durability)
It is the Polyolefin (PO) film with special macromolecule material for the replacement of the other ordinary films.
Product features
Superior strength and durability than other ordinary films.
2years weatherability in the case of more than 0.1mm thickness.
Reasonable price available with PO Film.
Excellent impact resistance is provided for better strength.
Recommended use
Farms who want to
replace the other
ordinary greenhouse films.
The exceptional strength
is suitable for the
horticulture house
as out layer film.
Recommended for
the interconnected
greenhouses with
winding windows.
Manufacture standards
Thickness (mm) | Folded width(cm) | Length |
0.08~0.15 | 200~700 | Custom length on demand |
Test items | Test Method | Units | Values | Properties |
Light transmission in PAR | ASTM D 1003 | % | 89 | |
Diffused light transmission in PAR | % | 17 | ||
Light transmission in IR | % | 32 | ||
Anti drip | Place in accordance to instruction | Yes | ||
Anti mist | Place in accordance to instruction | Yes |
Tensile strength, Impact resistance strength
Weatherability, Transparency TEST
· Highest level of stress condition: Experimented under accelerated weathering test at 60 Celsius degrees for 2000 hours UV exposure.
Weatherability TEST
Test time (UV exposure) |
TAJO® Ultra film | Other standard film |
1000 hr | ||
2000 hr |
Transparency TEST
TAJO® Ultra film transparency | Other standard film transparency |
TAJO CENTRE FIX Inner layer greenhouse film
The film helps fixing at the central position on the greenhouse structure when it is covering.
Product features
TAJO® Central fix film has a special sealing
device of banding method for easy covering.
It can be fixed by using clips along
the central pipe to the length direction.
Easy greenhouse covering is allowed by
the double sealing area at the central film.
No film falling or sagging is occurred by
the central fixes when greenhouse covering.
Product range
TAJO® Central
high-performance film
TAJO® Central
performance film
TAJO® Central
Jangsoo film
Unique performance (Ventilation / Heat retainablity) allows easy temperature
control during day and night and excellent crop growth at many types of greenhouse.
Product feature
Easy ventilation during day and night with welding of
the film allows to minimize the temperature fluctuation
in the greenhouse at early spring for better crop growth.
Installation cost will be reduced on padding,
labor, extra ventilation film and etc.
Excellent strength, transparency and durability.
Excellent heat retainablity provides faster crop growth.
Excellent anti-drip effect prevents water forming
in the greenhouse.
Suggested height of TAJO® Ventilation Skirt film
Items | Greenhouse width | Suggested height of Ventilation skirt film | |
Minimum | Maximum | ||
1 | 400cm | 110cm | 190cm |
2 | 450cm | 135cm | 215cm |
3 | 500cm | 160cm | 240cm |
4 | 550cm | 185cm | 265cm |
The film has 3layer constructions with 100% blockout from sunlight during day, and excellent heat retainablity during night.
Product features
Opacity rate
Grey – 100%
White – 100%
Excellent weatherability for long-term use (more
than 5years) with good tensile and tearing strength.
The good slippery surfaces allow that
snow is sliding off along the proper roof angle.
100% blockout from sunlight is guaranteed.
Recommended crops & use : Mushrooms, Livestock
house Tent, Warehouse & Garage requiring light block.
Strings are added on the film for easy installation and ventilation.
Product feature
Easy installation
Time saving when ventilating
Prevents damage from the film tearing when ventilating
Longer use is possible by smooth ventilating
trings at one side or both sides are available
on demand of sizes and applications.
Excellent strength and competitive price as ordinary PE film.
Product feature
Enhanced weatherability provides longer life span onto ordinary PE film.
Better price than other performance films.
It helps the balance on crop growth & reproduction of the plants.
Cautions for PE film
Please read the precautions before using TAJO® agricultural film
Keep away from water and moisture; store in dark and cool place to avoid from film sticking.
Do NOT expose to sunlight, direct heat.
Do not stack them in multiple stages.
The film performance can be lowered if stored for long period of time.
House film has different functions inside and outside, so be sure to install it so that the letters printed on the film surface can be seen correctly outside the house.
The thin film could get damage easily by sharp things or metals. Make sure to clean the work site and start a film covering.
Do not get the product wet, and store it in a cool and shaded place as there is a risk of film sticking when stored in a hot and humid place.
If new film is covered over the old film, it may cause oxidation. Install it after removing the old film completely.
When installing, apply the pad film to prevent damage from the pad spring.
Do not stretch the film on hot days as it will contract when cool and may weaken, and if it is too loose, it will cause wrinkles and deteriorate anti-dripping effect.
The angle of greenhouse ceiling must be over 25degree without winkle for smooth water sliding. Lanyard should be installed loosely to avoid winkle on the film.
After installation, the performances of Anti-drip, Anti-fog, Weatherability and heat retainablity are declined gradually depending on the usage of environment and time.
Avoid installation during summer or just before summer starts, make sure to ventilate air sufficiently not to get the inner layer of the film wet (Anti-fog face).
Do not let pesticide get in contact with the film.
Greenhouse gradient angle must exceed 25degree and avoid moisture by mulching top of the soil.
The house film can get damaged often during installation of side window or ventilator. Proper installation must be taken to avoid film damage.
The thickness of above 0.06mm should be used as out layer film. It is recommended to replace the out layer film once a year for better cultivation by high transparency.
The transparency of the film could be different from batch to batch, storage condition (place, temperature, humidity and storage period)
The heat retainablity of the film depends on the type of material and thickness; insulation and heating devices must be used to maintain the appropriate temperature focultivation. Proper installation like fine finishing (no holes and gaps between outside and inside of greenhouse), greenhouse direction, and method of farming could make a big difference.
When the film is contacted with the pesticides, the anti-drip additive (surfactant) at the inner layer film becomes neutralized and hindered.
Its anti-drip effect can be disturbed by the gas occurred from calcareous fertilizer & livestock shit based fertilizer.
Anti-drip effect could be gone earlier if mulching film is not covered on soil and too much humidity was created by water screen in greenhouse.
If the greenhouse has winkles by improper covering, the anti-drip effect may not be advantaged.
The gradient angle of greenhouse roof should exceed more than 25degree for easy water sliding when house frames are installed.
Double or triple layer greenhouse has better ant-drip effect rather single layer one.
Anti-drip effect is increased if the films produced 3 to 4months ago are applied to greenhouse.
Too much humidity in the greenhouse must be avoided by blocking unnecessary moisture.
Store at cool and dry place where no intensive heat or sunlight are.
The period of anti-drip effect can be varied greatly according to climate condition, humidity in the greenhouse, mulching film, farming method, local terrain, and plant characteristics. Please note that anti-drip effect is not guaranteed always.
Immediate film replacement must be taken to avoid the crop loss if of the anti-drip effect of the film is decreased.
The greenhouse film is not single factor affecting the crop loss and full responsibility on the crop loss is not provided.
Rapid increase in temperature inside of greenhouse could be occurred by high light transmittance. Proper control on greenhouse temperature is required always.
Low humidity in the greenhouse could feel cool at the same temperature. The plant leaf growth is small and possible to have powdery mildew
Anti-fog effect can be starting slowly at the beginning of greenhouse installation when the soil turn-over job was done. Proper humidity control is carefully required at this period.
If the temperature fluctuation in the greenhouse is high at sunrise or sunset, temporary fog could be formed. Refreshing air and heating devices are required by proper controls on humidity and temperature to remove fogging.
If the humid air in the greenhouse is maintained for a long time, the ant-fog effect is getting deteriorated. Proper ventilation control is required to prolong the anti-fog effect. Make sure do mulching on soil to prevent moisture evaporation. Anti-fog film must be used for both inner & out layer film to ensure its effect.
If out layer film is not replaced and only inner layer film is replaced by anti-fog film, its performance is reduced or not speedy enough.
Fogging is a natural phenomenon caused by the temperature difference inside and outside of the greenhouse. Proper humidity control inside of greenhouse is required. The period of anti-fog effect can be varied greatly according to climate condition, humidity in the greenhouse, mulching film, farming method, local terrain, and plant characteristics. Please note that anti-drip effect is not guaranteed always.
Immediate film replacement must be taken to avoid the crop loss if of the anti-fog effect of the film is decreased. The greenhouse film is not single factor affecting the crop loss and full responsibility on the crop loss is not provided.
The film weatherability could be shortening by inappropriate materials like Aluminum, steel plate, rusted metal, and PVC pipe.
Improper material, sulfur, fumigation, sulfur base or chloride base agents, affect the shortening the life span.
The life span of the film could be shortened or oxidized by the pesticide (Calcareous Bordeaux mixture) sprayed from neighbor greenhouse.
Sulfur and dust created by fuel heater using Diesel & Bunker oil could cause early oxidation and heat oxidation.
Make sure to check the specifications like item & size are correct. Please, contact your local agent if is wrong.
Do not hold the strings on the package bands when carrying them. The strings on the package bands could be got cut off due to its heavy weight, and the heavy box falling into you causes injure or fracture.
There are many product ranges of TAJO® films. The right selection referred from product catalogue is necessary depending on kinds of crop, types of harvest, and method of farming.
Do not use TAJO® films for other purposes as to food packaging.
The life span of the film becomes shortened significantly when the pesticide is contact with the films directly.
Take a rest immediately if any headache or dizziness is occurred by long hour working. Take a caution on fires caused by flammable substance and electricity.
As the film (plastic) is a chemical substance, do not incinerate them by yourself to prevent air pollution and potential risk of fire
Please, recycle it through professional plastic collectors authorized by the recycling centre.
※Definition of ‘warning’ and ‘caution’
Warning: Danger can occur when used inappropriately which can result in death or serious injury to the user.
Caution: Small injury or material loss can be occurred due to inappropriate use or handling.
Biodegradability of the film can be varied by soil condition, climate and amount of sunshine.
The biodegradable film has 1month shelf life only. Do not use leftover film.
Store in cool and dry place always (High humidity and temperature could initiate biodegradable activity before using.)
Rotary work is recommended after harvest. The remaining film in the soil will be biodegradable.
Biodegraded film does not affect the plant growth and crop yield.
This biodegradable film is limited at irrigation, greenhouse, and low tunnel where early biodegrading can be occurred.
The greenhouse film should not be scratched by dragging to the ground or rusted pipe. The coating surface could be damaged, and it will lead film tearing and inferior performance on anti-drip effect.
Ceiling angle should exceed 25degree for smooth water sliding.
(Water forming and dropping is occurred if the ceiling is curved with small angle.)
Proper installation must be done without winkles.
Some water forming and dropping at early installation. But after sufficient moisture is supplied in 1-2 months, the coating layer becomes stabilized and activates anti-drip effect in the greenhouse.
When installing film on the greenhouse, more than 2 people must carry and not drag the film on the ground. Spread the film alongside the greenhouse and make sure the film faces correct way according to the user guide.
When the film is seamed, the anti-drip effect is deteriorated on this part. The seamed area should be concerned and placed properly when installing in the greenhouse.p>
Do not use this film as inner layer. Its performance is not guaranteed.
TAJO® coating must be applied as only out layer film at greenhouse. Do not use it for inner layer and water screen greenhouse in the case of double layer greenhouse.
Do not use it with the resin coated pipe or structure. Its resin coating may be stick to the film side.
When the sterilizing soil at high temperature, the coating layer on the film can be weaken.